Backup Tape Vaulting Services

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Elevate Your Data Security with Expert Tape Vaulting Services

In the digital age, safeguarding your invaluable data is not only crucial but also a regulatory necessity. Record Nations’ tailored tape vaulting solutions provide your business with a secure and reliable method of archiving and protecting critical information.

Tape vaulting is a meticulous data storage practice offered by Record Nations, where critical information is securely transferred onto magnetic tapes and stored in a controlled and protected offsite facility. This approach ensures that valuable data remains shielded from potential risks such as cyber threats, hardware malfunctions, or unforeseen disasters.

With state-of-the-art facilities, rigorous security protocols, and a proven track record, we offer a comprehensive suite of services that ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data. Explore how our expertise in backup tape vaulting can empower your business continuity strategy and provide you with peace of mind in an ever-evolving technological landscape.

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Why Choose Record Nations

Fast Turnaround

Get matched to a partner in 3-5 minutes. They will work with you to get a quote based on your specifications.

Nationwide Coverage

We have partners all over the United States and Canada.

Partnered with the Best

We are partnered with hundreds of partners nationwide providing you with the best, secure options in your area.

Contact us for a free quote today!

Reach out to our team today to discuss document management solutions. We're here to explore your options and guide you to the perfect service for your needs.

Benefits of Tape Vaulting Services Through Record Nations

Data Security

Tape vaulting services provide a secure offsite location for storing backup tapes and other magnetic media. This helps protect sensitive information from unauthorized access, theft, or tampering, reducing the risk of data breaches and compliance violations.

Disaster Recovery

Offsite tape storage serves as a critical component of disaster recovery and business continuity plans. In the event of a natural disaster, cyberattack, or other unexpected disruption, organizations can quickly recover and restore their data from secure vaults, minimizing downtime and ensuring operational resilience.

Long-Term Archival

Magnetic tape technology remains a cost-effective and reliable medium for long-term data retention. Tape vaulting services offer a scalable solution for archiving historical data, regulatory records, and other information assets that must be retained for extended periods, ensuring compliance with retention requirements and preserving institutional knowledge.

Regulatory Compliance

Many industries are subject to stringent data retention regulations and compliance standards. Tape vaulting services help organizations meet these requirements by providing secure storage environments and comprehensive tracking and auditing capabilities, facilitating compliance with industry-specific mandates such as HIPAA, GDPR, and SOX.

A Brief Overview of Our Backup Tape Rotation and Vaulting Services

The Tape Vaulting Process

1. Assess the volume and scope of your vaulting project. Evaluate the volume of data and materials that require secure storage. Consider the types of information you’ll be archiving, their criticality, and any regulatory or compliance requirements associated with them.

2. Call Record Nations at (866) 385-3706, live chat, or fill out the form for free, customized price estimates. Our experts are well-versed in understanding the intricacies of tape vaulting services and can guide you through the process.

3. Once you’ve reviewed your customized price estimates and are ready to proceed, the next step is to schedule the data and materials transfer. Our network of trusted local providers is equipped to handle the logistics of transporting your tapes to our secure facilities. You can choose a convenient time for the transfer that aligns with your operational needs.

4. The service provider you choose will safely and securely transport your tapes to their off-site facilities to be stored and rotated based on your tape needs. When your tapes are past their retention period, they will safely be removed and disposed of or returned to you if needed. 

Why You Should Choose Backup Tape Vaulting Services from Record Nations

Protect Your Backup Tapes with Rotation Services

Tape rotation ensures that your data is up-to-date and accessible while protecting the tape from excessive wear and damage. Your tape rotation schedule will depend on your company’s specific needs and volume of data. Smaller companies can usually make do with simple rotation plans, while those handling extremely sensitive information or high volumes may require a more complex rotation program.

Tape Vaulting in the Legal and Medical Fields

Legal firms securely back up sensitive client information and case documents on offsite magnetic tapes, preserving attorney-client privilege and regulatory compliance. Similarly, medical institutions safeguard patient records and healthcare data with this service, ensuring HIPAA compliance and uninterrupted patient care. This enables both industries to focus on their core services while maintaining top-tier data security and accessibility standards.

Contact us for a free quote today!

Reach out to our team today to discuss document management solutions. We're here to explore your options and guide you to the perfect service for your needs.

See What Our Customers Are Saying

Waukesha, WI
"Kind, knowledgeable and quick. Totally recommend."
St. Petersburg, FL
"Called instantly after I submitted the request. Provided the information I needed and had 2 companies call me back. I appreciate the assistance of Record Nations and professionalism of Martin."
Spokane, WA
"Was very helpful and kind as well as professional. Responded quickly to my request."

Tape Vaulting FAQs

What is tape vaulting?


Tape vaulting is a data storage strategy used by businesses to securely store backup tapes or other media offsite in a dedicated facility known as a “vault.” The primary purpose of tape vaulting is to provide an additional layer of protection for critical data by storing backup copies in a secure, remote location separate from the primary data center or production site.

How do tape vaulting services work?


1. Assess the volume and scope of your vaulting project. Evaluate the volume of data and materials that require secure storage. Consider the types of information you’ll be archiving, their criticality, and any regulatory or compliance requirements associated with them.

2. Call Record Nations at (866) 385-3706, live chat, or fill out the form for free, customized price estimates. Our experts are well-versed in understanding the intricacies of tape vaulting services and can guide you through the process.

3. Once you’ve reviewed your customized price estimates and are ready to proceed, the next step is to schedule the data and materials transfer. Our network of trusted local providers is equipped to handle the logistics of transporting your tapes to our secure facilities. You can choose a convenient time for the transfer that aligns with your operational needs.

4. The service provider you choose will safely and securely transport your tapes to their off-site facilities to be stored and rotated based on your tape needs. When your tapes are past their retention period, they will safely be removed and disposed of or returned to you if needed. 

How secure are the tape vaulting facilities?


Our service providers’ off-site facilities include 24/7 security and monitoring, access controls, and environmental controls, such as climate controls and fire suppression. All of our service providers also comply with state and federal regulations regarding data privacy.

How much do tape vaulting services cost?


The price of your tape vaulting service will depend on the number of tapes you have, the extra security measures you require, and any other special requests. Your service provider will give you an accurate price quote when you contact us with the details of your project.

How can I retrieve my tapes in case of emergency or disaster?


You will be able to request the retrieval of specific tapes in the event of a data loss, emergency, or other disaster. Our service providers offer 24/7 access and retrieval for your tapes. Tapes can be returned within the same day or the next business day, and most providers will also offer emergency retrieval services.

Is rotation included in my tape vaulting service?


Yes, rotation is included with your tape vaulting service. Your tapes will be rotated and backed up regularly based on your needs.

What data should I keep on my tapes?


Businesses often use tape storage for long-term archival purposes, especially for data that is infrequently accessed but still needs to be retained for compliance, legal, or historical reasons. Here are some examples of documents and data that businesses may store on tapes:

  • Backup Data
  • Financial Records
  • Legal Documents
  • Medical Records
  • Historical Data
  • Research Data
  • Compliance Data

What other type of media can I vault?


Our service providers’ vaults are equipped to handle backup tapes, DVDs, CDs, and magnetic tapes.

Contact us for a free quote today!

Reach out to our team today to discuss document management solutions. We're here to explore your options and guide you to the perfect service for your needs.