Digitizing Documents allows for quick and easy retrieval, saves space, and provides security, legal compliance, and disaster recovery. What enables a document management system to do all of this is document indexing.
Anyone can scan documents and create document images, a standard printer/scanner device will do that for you. However, if you want to be able to find those digital documents easily, and make changes to them, that requires OCR scanning and a document management system that uses a document indexing system.
What is Document Indexing?
Document indexing is the process of associating or tagging documents with different “search” terms. These terms can be defined by the company using their own preferred organizational system, or by adopting the template of a document management system.
If your documents are text documents, you might have indexed the documents for full text search where you can find a phrase contained in the documents.
All electronic document management systems have some level of system indexing. Default system indexing might be the date or document type or some other identifier that describes the document. Setting up the indexes is one of the key factors in having a successful document management implementation.
What are the Benefits of Document Indexing?
Document indexing helps businesses save in 3 crucial ways, money, space, and time.
Save Money
Documents pile up quickly, no matter what industry your business operates in. Whether it be with an offsite storage service or maintaining storage space in-office, the costs of maintaining thousands of documents can impact your bottom line. With scanning and a well-indexed document management system, you’ll start saving money within months of its implementation.
Save Space
Filing cabinets or other document storage options take up a considerable amount of space in any business or office. With documents stored on a cloud server, you’ll be able to reclaim that space and use it for more productive purposes.
Save Time
The most obvious goal of good document management is to save time looking for the right papers. Depending on the office it can take hours to find documents. It is common to find professionals wasting time digging through files to find the information they need to complete their work. Document Indexing eliminates this file searching frenzy and creates a smart, easy way to locate files in seconds.
Find a Document Management Services with Record Nations
Record Nations partners with a nationwide network of scanning and document management providers who can help digitize your office. Give us a call at (866) 385-3706, and we’ll help you find a document management solution that works for your business.