Creating a Records Management Program: How to Balance Your Priorities

Businessman using a digital tablet to discuss information

Creating a Records Management Program requires a healthy balance of costs, security, and productivity. The best way to set these priorities is to evaluate your own processes.


Cost efficiency depends on the type of information you keep and manage as well as the legal retention requirements.

Offsite Records Storage

If you have records that need to be kept for legal purposes, but you don’t need to access them, an offsite records storage facility is ideal for you. You won’t need to go to the expense of having records scanned, yet they will be out of the way and safe.

Cloud Storage (DMS)

Document Management Systems are ideal for businesses that need access to their files since employees won’t have to spend time making copies and keeping track of them.


Why Use an Online Document Management MarketplaceSecurity needs to be your priority when it comes to Personally Identifiable Information (PII).


Storing your records offsite enhances the security of your data because it is under lock and key with only authorized people having access to them.

Cloud Storage (DMS)

With all your records stored digitally, they are password protected and safe from someone accidentally having access to records that should be kept private.


For optimized productivity, you should make your records management as automatic as possible.


Your office space can be used at its peak efficiency when it is not cluttered with records that you are keeping for retention requirements.

Cloud Storage (DMS)

Digital records allow for an efficient way to collaborate and access records at any time from any place. At the same time records remain secure from fraud and disaster as well.

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