Charleston Medical Records Scanning
It can be challenging to find the right medical records storage and scanning provider for your project. However, Record Nations Charleston makes this process as easy as possible with comprehensive medical records management services for healthcare facilities. We have partnered with local providers that can handle your records in a secure and efficient manner.
It’s critical to uphold standards of conduct and certain regulations when handling private information. All of our providers and services are HIPAA certified and compliant.
Security and Compliance
Patient privacy is critical to maintaining good relationships with your patients and community. Your organization and the scanning servicer are obligated to keep patient and employee information private and secure. Record Nations’ services are compliant with these restrictions while keeping the process simple and seamless.
Medical Records Storage in WV
Less physical storage is needed when you have converted to a digital practice. However, some files will need to be stored. For those files, we offer secure medical records storage in our HIPAA and HITECH-compliant facilities. Our partners’ facilities offer climate control, disaster protection, 24/7 monitoring, and protection from loss and theft.
Medical Records Custodian
When a WV healthcare facility closes, a custodian is often appointed to manage the patient records. Each state has different rules and guidelines for how long a record needs to be stored. Custodians of medical records can store physical copies in a secure storage facility or scan the documents and store them electronically using an EMR system. With either option, patient records must be readily available upon request. Failure to produce forms could result in fines or penalties.
Record Nations can help you find a local provider to manage your records, release needed information and destroy the records after the retention period.